Vervoeging van minar



Indicativo presente

  • yo mino
  • minas
  • él/ella mina
  • nosotros minamos
  • vosotros mináis
  • ellos/ellas minan


  • I undermine
  • you undermine
  • he/she/it undermines
  • we undermine
  • you undermine
  • they undermine


  • yo miné
  • minaste
  • él/ella minó
  • nosotros minamos
  • vosotros minasteis
  • ellos/ellas minaron

Simple past

  • I undermined
  • you undermined
  • he/she/it undermined
  • we undermined
  • you undermined
  • they undermined


  • yo minaba
  • minabas
  • él/ella minaba
  • nosotros minábamos
  • vosotros minabais
  • ellos/ellas minaban

Past continuous

  • I was undermining
  • you were undermining
  • he/she/it was undermining
  • we were undermining
  • you were undermining
  • they were undermining

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he minado
  • has minado
  • él/ella ha minado
  • nosotros hemos minado
  • vosotros habéis minado
  • ellos/ellas han minado

Present perfect

  • I have undermined
  • you have undermined
  • he/she/it has undermined
  • we have undermined
  • you have undermined
  • they have undermined


  • yo había minado
  • habías minado
  • él/ella había minado
  • nosotros habíamos minado
  • vosotros habíais minado
  • ellos/ellas habían minado

Past perfect

  • I had undermined
  • you had undermined
  • he/she/it had undermined
  • we had undermined
  • you had undermined
  • they had undermined

Futuro I

  • yo minaré
  • minarás
  • él/ella minará
  • nosotros minaremos
  • vosotros minaréis
  • ellos/ellas minarán


  • I will undermine
  • you will undermine
  • he/she/it will undermine
  • we will undermine
  • you will undermine
  • they will undermine

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré minado
  • habrás minado
  • él/ella habrá minado
  • nosotros habremos minado
  • vosotros habréis minado
  • ellos/ellas habrán minado

Future perfect

  • I will have undermined
  • you will have undermined
  • he/she/it will have undermined
  • we will have undermined
  • you will have undermined
  • they will have undermined


  • yo minaría
  • minarías
  • él/ella minaría
  • nosotros minaríamos
  • vosotros minaríais
  • ellos/ellas minarían

Conditional present

  • I would undermine
  • you would undermine
  • he/she/it would undermine
  • we would undermine
  • you would undermine
  • they would undermine

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría minado
  • habrías minado
  • él/ella habría minado
  • nosotros habríamos minado
  • vosotros habríais minado
  • ellos/ellas habrían minado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have undermined
  • you would have undermined
  • he/she/it would have undermined
  • we would have undermined
  • you would have undermined
  • they would have undermined


  • yo mine
  • mines
  • él/ella mine
  • nosotros minemos
  • vosotros minéis
  • ellos/ellas minen

Present subjunctive

  • I undermine
  • you undermine
  • he/she/it undermine
  • we undermine
  • you undermine
  • they undermine

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo minara
  • minaras
  • él/ella minara
  • nosotros mináramos
  • vosotros minarais
  • ellos/ellas minaran

Past subjunctive

  • I undermined
  • you undermined
  • he/she/it undermined
  • we undermined
  • you undermined
  • they undermined

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera minado
  • hubieras minado
  • él/ella hubiera minado
  • nosotros hubiéramos minado
  • vosotros hubierais minado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran minado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had undermined
  • you had undermined
  • he/she/it had undermined
  • we had undermined
  • you had undermined
  • they had undermined

Imperativo presente

  • mina
  • nosotros minemos
  • vosotros minad


  • you undermine
  • we Let´s undermine
  • you undermine