Vervoeging van predecir



Indicativo presente

  • yo predigo
  • predices
  • él/ella predice
  • nosotros predecimos
  • vosotros predecís
  • ellos/ellas predicen


  • I herald
  • you herald
  • he/she/it heralds
  • we herald
  • you herald
  • they herald


  • yo predije
  • predijiste
  • él/ella predijo
  • nosotros predijimos
  • vosotros predijisteis
  • ellos/ellas predijeron

Simple past

  • I heralded
  • you heralded
  • he/she/it heralded
  • we heralded
  • you heralded
  • they heralded


  • yo predecía
  • predecías
  • él/ella predecía
  • nosotros predecíamos
  • vosotros predecíais
  • ellos/ellas predecían

Past continuous

  • I was heralding
  • you were heralding
  • he/she/it was heralding
  • we were heralding
  • you were heralding
  • they were heralding

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he predicho
  • has predicho
  • él/ella ha predicho
  • nosotros hemos predicho
  • vosotros habéis predicho
  • ellos/ellas han predicho

Present perfect

  • I have heralded
  • you have heralded
  • he/she/it has heralded
  • we have heralded
  • you have heralded
  • they have heralded


  • yo había predicho
  • habías predicho
  • él/ella había predicho
  • nosotros habíamos predicho
  • vosotros habíais predicho
  • ellos/ellas habían predicho

Past perfect

  • I had heralded
  • you had heralded
  • he/she/it had heralded
  • we had heralded
  • you had heralded
  • they had heralded

Futuro I

  • yo prediré
  • predirás
  • él/ella predirá
  • nosotros prediremos
  • vosotros prediréis
  • ellos/ellas predirán


  • I will herald
  • you will herald
  • he/she/it will herald
  • we will herald
  • you will herald
  • they will herald

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré predicho
  • habrás predicho
  • él/ella habrá predicho
  • nosotros habremos predicho
  • vosotros habréis predicho
  • ellos/ellas habrán predicho

Future perfect

  • I will have heralded
  • you will have heralded
  • he/she/it will have heralded
  • we will have heralded
  • you will have heralded
  • they will have heralded


  • yo prediría
  • predirías
  • él/ella prediría
  • nosotros prediríamos
  • vosotros prediríais
  • ellos/ellas predirían

Conditional present

  • I would herald
  • you would herald
  • he/she/it would herald
  • we would herald
  • you would herald
  • they would herald

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría predicho
  • habrías predicho
  • él/ella habría predicho
  • nosotros habríamos predicho
  • vosotros habríais predicho
  • ellos/ellas habrían predicho

Conditional perfect

  • I would have heralded
  • you would have heralded
  • he/she/it would have heralded
  • we would have heralded
  • you would have heralded
  • they would have heralded


  • yo prediga
  • predigas
  • él/ella prediga
  • nosotros predigamos
  • vosotros predigáis
  • ellos/ellas predigan

Present subjunctive

  • I herald
  • you herald
  • he/she/it herald
  • we herald
  • you herald
  • they herald

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo predijera
  • predijeras
  • él/ella predijera
  • nosotros predijéramos
  • vosotros predijerais
  • ellos/ellas predijeran

Past subjunctive

  • I heralded
  • you heralded
  • he/she/it heralded
  • we heralded
  • you heralded
  • they heralded

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera predicho
  • hubieras predicho
  • él/ella hubiera predicho
  • nosotros hubiéramos predicho
  • vosotros hubierais predicho
  • ellos/ellas hubieran predicho

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had heralded
  • you had heralded
  • he/she/it had heralded
  • we had heralded
  • you had heralded
  • they had heralded

Imperativo presente

  • predice
  • nosotros predigamos
  • vosotros predecid


  • you herald
  • we Let´s herald
  • you herald