Vervoeging van reprimir



Indicativo presente

  • yo reprimo
  • reprimes
  • él/ella reprime
  • nosotros reprimimos
  • vosotros reprimís
  • ellos/ellas reprimen


  • I restrain
  • you restrain
  • he/she/it restrains
  • we restrain
  • you restrain
  • they restrain


  • yo reprimí
  • reprimiste
  • él/ella reprimió
  • nosotros reprimimos
  • vosotros reprimisteis
  • ellos/ellas reprimieron

Simple past

  • I restrained
  • you restrained
  • he/she/it restrained
  • we restrained
  • you restrained
  • they restrained


  • yo reprimía
  • reprimías
  • él/ella reprimía
  • nosotros reprimíamos
  • vosotros reprimíais
  • ellos/ellas reprimían

Past continuous

  • I was restraining
  • you were restraining
  • he/she/it was restraining
  • we were restraining
  • you were restraining
  • they were restraining

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he reprimido
  • has reprimido
  • él/ella ha reprimido
  • nosotros hemos reprimido
  • vosotros habéis reprimido
  • ellos/ellas han reprimido

Present perfect

  • I have restrained
  • you have restrained
  • he/she/it has restrained
  • we have restrained
  • you have restrained
  • they have restrained


  • yo había reprimido
  • habías reprimido
  • él/ella había reprimido
  • nosotros habíamos reprimido
  • vosotros habíais reprimido
  • ellos/ellas habían reprimido

Past perfect

  • I had restrained
  • you had restrained
  • he/she/it had restrained
  • we had restrained
  • you had restrained
  • they had restrained

Futuro I

  • yo reprimiré
  • reprimirás
  • él/ella reprimirá
  • nosotros reprimiremos
  • vosotros reprimiréis
  • ellos/ellas reprimirán


  • I will restrain
  • you will restrain
  • he/she/it will restrain
  • we will restrain
  • you will restrain
  • they will restrain

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré reprimido
  • habrás reprimido
  • él/ella habrá reprimido
  • nosotros habremos reprimido
  • vosotros habréis reprimido
  • ellos/ellas habrán reprimido

Future perfect

  • I will have restrained
  • you will have restrained
  • he/she/it will have restrained
  • we will have restrained
  • you will have restrained
  • they will have restrained


  • yo reprimiría
  • reprimirías
  • él/ella reprimiría
  • nosotros reprimiríamos
  • vosotros reprimiríais
  • ellos/ellas reprimirían

Conditional present

  • I would restrain
  • you would restrain
  • he/she/it would restrain
  • we would restrain
  • you would restrain
  • they would restrain

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría reprimido
  • habrías reprimido
  • él/ella habría reprimido
  • nosotros habríamos reprimido
  • vosotros habríais reprimido
  • ellos/ellas habrían reprimido

Conditional perfect

  • I would have restrained
  • you would have restrained
  • he/she/it would have restrained
  • we would have restrained
  • you would have restrained
  • they would have restrained


  • yo reprima
  • reprimas
  • él/ella reprima
  • nosotros reprimamos
  • vosotros reprimáis
  • ellos/ellas repriman

Present subjunctive

  • I restrain
  • you restrain
  • he/she/it restrain
  • we restrain
  • you restrain
  • they restrain

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo reprimiera
  • reprimieras
  • él/ella reprimiera
  • nosotros reprimiéramos
  • vosotros reprimierais
  • ellos/ellas reprimieran

Past subjunctive

  • I restrained
  • you restrained
  • he/she/it restrained
  • we restrained
  • you restrained
  • they restrained

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera reprimido
  • hubieras reprimido
  • él/ella hubiera reprimido
  • nosotros hubiéramos reprimido
  • vosotros hubierais reprimido
  • ellos/ellas hubieran reprimido

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had restrained
  • you had restrained
  • he/she/it had restrained
  • we had restrained
  • you had restrained
  • they had restrained

Imperativo presente

  • reprime
  • nosotros reprimamos
  • vosotros reprimid


  • you restrain
  • we Let´s restrain
  • you restrain