Vervoeging van tostar



Indicativo presente

  • yo tuesto
  • tuestas
  • él/ella tuesta
  • nosotros tostamos
  • vosotros tostáis
  • ellos/ellas tuestan


  • I roast
  • you roast
  • he/she/it roasts
  • we roast
  • you roast
  • they roast


  • yo tosté
  • tostaste
  • él/ella tostó
  • nosotros tostamos
  • vosotros tostasteis
  • ellos/ellas tostaron

Simple past

  • I roasted
  • you roasted
  • he/she/it roasted
  • we roasted
  • you roasted
  • they roasted


  • yo tostaba
  • tostabas
  • él/ella tostaba
  • nosotros tostábamos
  • vosotros tostabais
  • ellos/ellas tostaban

Past continuous

  • I was roasting
  • you were roasting
  • he/she/it was roasting
  • we were roasting
  • you were roasting
  • they were roasting

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he tostado
  • has tostado
  • él/ella ha tostado
  • nosotros hemos tostado
  • vosotros habéis tostado
  • ellos/ellas han tostado

Present perfect

  • I have roasted
  • you have roasted
  • he/she/it has roasted
  • we have roasted
  • you have roasted
  • they have roasted


  • yo había tostado
  • habías tostado
  • él/ella había tostado
  • nosotros habíamos tostado
  • vosotros habíais tostado
  • ellos/ellas habían tostado

Past perfect

  • I had roasted
  • you had roasted
  • he/she/it had roasted
  • we had roasted
  • you had roasted
  • they had roasted

Futuro I

  • yo tostaré
  • tostarás
  • él/ella tostará
  • nosotros tostaremos
  • vosotros tostaréis
  • ellos/ellas tostarán


  • I will roast
  • you will roast
  • he/she/it will roast
  • we will roast
  • you will roast
  • they will roast

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré tostado
  • habrás tostado
  • él/ella habrá tostado
  • nosotros habremos tostado
  • vosotros habréis tostado
  • ellos/ellas habrán tostado

Future perfect

  • I will have roasted
  • you will have roasted
  • he/she/it will have roasted
  • we will have roasted
  • you will have roasted
  • they will have roasted


  • yo tostaría
  • tostarías
  • él/ella tostaría
  • nosotros tostaríamos
  • vosotros tostaríais
  • ellos/ellas tostarían

Conditional present

  • I would roast
  • you would roast
  • he/she/it would roast
  • we would roast
  • you would roast
  • they would roast

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría tostado
  • habrías tostado
  • él/ella habría tostado
  • nosotros habríamos tostado
  • vosotros habríais tostado
  • ellos/ellas habrían tostado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have roasted
  • you would have roasted
  • he/she/it would have roasted
  • we would have roasted
  • you would have roasted
  • they would have roasted


  • yo tueste
  • tuestes
  • él/ella tueste
  • nosotros tostemos
  • vosotros tostéis
  • ellos/ellas tuesten

Present subjunctive

  • I roast
  • you roast
  • he/she/it roast
  • we roast
  • you roast
  • they roast

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo tostara
  • tostaras
  • él/ella tostara
  • nosotros tostáramos
  • vosotros tostarais
  • ellos/ellas tostaran

Past subjunctive

  • I roasted
  • you roasted
  • he/she/it roasted
  • we roasted
  • you roasted
  • they roasted

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera tostado
  • hubieras tostado
  • él/ella hubiera tostado
  • nosotros hubiéramos tostado
  • vosotros hubierais tostado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran tostado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had roasted
  • you had roasted
  • he/she/it had roasted
  • we had roasted
  • you had roasted
  • they had roasted

Imperativo presente

  • tuesta
  • nosotros tostemos
  • vosotros tostad


  • you roast
  • we Let´s roast
  • you roast