Vervoeging van convenire




  • io convengo
  • tu convieni
  • lui/lei/Lei conviene
  • noi conveniamo
  • voi/Voi convenite
  • loro/Loro convengono


  • I befit
  • you befit
  • he/she/it befits
  • we befit
  • you befit
  • they befit


  • io convenivo
  • tu convenivi
  • lui/lei/Lei conveniva
  • noi convenivamo
  • voi/Voi convenivate
  • loro/Loro convenivano

Simple past

  • I befitted
  • you befitted
  • he/she/it befitted
  • we befitted
  • you befitted
  • they befitted

Passato prossimo

  • io ho convenuto
  • tu hai convenuto
  • lui/lei/Lei ha convenuto
  • noi abbiamo convenuto
  • voi/Voi avete convenuto
  • loro/Loro hanno convenuto

Present perfect

  • I have befitted
  • you have befitted
  • he/she/it has befitted
  • we have befitted
  • you have befitted
  • they have befitted

Trapassato prossimo

  • io avevo convenuto
  • tu avevi convenuto
  • lui/lei/Lei aveva convenuto
  • noi avevamo convenuto
  • voi/Voi avevate convenuto
  • loro/Loro avevano convenuto

Past perfect

  • I had befitted
  • you had befitted
  • he/she/it had befitted
  • we had befitted
  • you had befitted
  • they had befitted

Futuro semplice

  • io converrò
  • tu converrai
  • lui/lei/Lei converrà
  • noi converremo
  • voi/Voi converrete
  • loro/Loro converranno


  • I will befit
  • you will befit
  • he/she/it will befit
  • we will befit
  • you will befit
  • they will befit

Futuro anteriore

  • io avrò convenuto
  • tu avrai convenuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrà convenuto
  • noi avremo convenuto
  • voi/Voi avrete convenuto
  • loro/Loro avranno convenuto

Future perfect

  • I will have befitted
  • you will have befitted
  • he/she/it will have befitted
  • we will have befitted
  • you will have befitted
  • they will have befitted

Condizionale presente

  • io converrei
  • tu converresti
  • lui/lei/Lei converrebbe
  • noi converremmo
  • voi/Voi converreste
  • loro/Loro converrebbero

Conditional present

  • I would befit
  • you would befit
  • he/she/it would befit
  • we would befit
  • you would befit
  • they would befit

Condizionale passato

  • io avrei convenuto
  • tu avresti convenuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrebbe convenuto
  • noi avremmo convenuto
  • voi/Voi avreste convenuto
  • loro/Loro avrebbero convenuto

Conditional perfect

  • I would have befitted
  • you would have befitted
  • he/she/it would have befitted
  • we would have befitted
  • you would have befitted
  • they would have befitted

Congiuntivo presente

  • io convenga
  • tu convenga
  • lui/lei/Lei convenga
  • noi conveniamo
  • voi/Voi conveniate
  • loro/Loro convengano

Present subjunctive

  • I befit
  • you befit
  • he/she/it befit
  • we befit
  • you befit
  • they befit

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io convenissi
  • tu convenissi
  • lui/lei/Lei convenisse
  • noi convenissimo
  • voi/Voi conveniste
  • loro/Loro convenissero

Past subjunctive

  • I befitted
  • you befitted
  • he/she/it befitted
  • we befitted
  • you befitted
  • they befitted

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io avessi convenuto
  • tu avessi convenuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avesse convenuto
  • noi avessimo convenuto
  • voi/Voi aveste convenuto
  • loro/Loro avessero convenuto

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had befitted
  • you had befitted
  • he/she/it had befitted
  • we had befitted
  • you had befitted
  • they had befitted


  • tu convieni
  • noi conveniamo
  • voi/Voi convenite


  • you befit
  • we Let´s befit
  • you befit