Vervoeging van salire




  • io salgo
  • tu sali
  • lui/lei/Lei sale
  • noi saliamo
  • voi/Voi salite
  • loro/Loro salgono


  • I arise
  • you arise
  • he/she/it arises
  • we arise
  • you arise
  • they arise


  • io salivo
  • tu salivi
  • lui/lei/Lei saliva
  • noi salivamo
  • voi/Voi salivate
  • loro/Loro salivano

Simple past

  • I arose
  • you arose
  • he/she/it arose
  • we arose
  • you arose
  • they arose

Passato prossimo

  • io sono salito
  • tu sei salito
  • lui/lei/Lei è salito
  • noi siamo saliti
  • voi/Voi siete saliti
  • loro/Loro sono saliti

Present perfect

  • I have arisen
  • you have arisen
  • he/she/it has arisen
  • we have arisen
  • you have arisen
  • they have arisen

Trapassato prossimo

  • io ero salito
  • tu eri salito
  • lui/lei/Lei era salito
  • noi eravamo saliti
  • voi/Voi eravate saliti
  • loro/Loro erano saliti

Past perfect

  • I had arisen
  • you had arisen
  • he/she/it had arisen
  • we had arisen
  • you had arisen
  • they had arisen

Futuro semplice

  • io salirò
  • tu salirai
  • lui/lei/Lei salirà
  • noi saliremo
  • voi/Voi salirete
  • loro/Loro saliranno


  • I will arise
  • you will arise
  • he/she/it will arise
  • we will arise
  • you will arise
  • they will arise

Futuro anteriore

  • io sarò salito
  • tu sarai salito
  • lui/lei/Lei sarà salito
  • noi saremo saliti
  • voi/Voi sarete saliti
  • loro/Loro saranno saliti

Future perfect

  • I will have arisen
  • you will have arisen
  • he/she/it will have arisen
  • we will have arisen
  • you will have arisen
  • they will have arisen

Condizionale presente

  • io salirei
  • tu saliresti
  • lui/lei/Lei salirebbe
  • noi saliremmo
  • voi/Voi salireste
  • loro/Loro salirebbero

Conditional present

  • I would arise
  • you would arise
  • he/she/it would arise
  • we would arise
  • you would arise
  • they would arise

Condizionale passato

  • io sarei salito
  • tu saresti salito
  • lui/lei/Lei sarebbe salito
  • noi saremmo saliti
  • voi/Voi sareste saliti
  • loro/Loro sarebbero saliti

Conditional perfect

  • I would have arisen
  • you would have arisen
  • he/she/it would have arisen
  • we would have arisen
  • you would have arisen
  • they would have arisen

Congiuntivo presente

  • io salga
  • tu salga
  • lui/lei/Lei salga
  • noi saliamo
  • voi/Voi saliate
  • loro/Loro salgano

Present subjunctive

  • I arise
  • you arise
  • he/she/it arise
  • we arise
  • you arise
  • they arise

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io salissi
  • tu salissi
  • lui/lei/Lei salisse
  • noi salissimo
  • voi/Voi saliste
  • loro/Loro salissero

Past subjunctive

  • I arose
  • you arose
  • he/she/it arose
  • we arose
  • you arose
  • they arose

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io fossi salito
  • tu fossi salito
  • lui/lei/Lei fosse salito
  • noi fossimo saliti
  • voi/Voi foste saliti
  • loro/Loro fossero saliti

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had arisen
  • you had arisen
  • he/she/it had arisen
  • we had arisen
  • you had arisen
  • they had arisen


  • tu sali
  • noi saliamo
  • voi/Voi salite


  • you arise
  • we Let´s arise
  • you arise