Vervoeging van saltare




  • io salto
  • tu salti
  • lui/lei/Lei salta
  • noi saltiamo
  • voi/Voi saltate
  • loro/Loro saltano


  • I jump
  • you jump
  • he/she/it jumps
  • we jump
  • you jump
  • they jump


  • io saltavo
  • tu saltavi
  • lui/lei/Lei saltava
  • noi saltavamo
  • voi/Voi saltavate
  • loro/Loro saltavano

Simple past

  • I jumped
  • you jumped
  • he/she/it jumped
  • we jumped
  • you jumped
  • they jumped

Passato prossimo

  • io sono saltato
  • tu sei saltato
  • lui/lei/Lei è saltato
  • noi siamo saltati
  • voi/Voi siete saltati
  • loro/Loro sono saltati

Present perfect

  • I have jumped
  • you have jumped
  • he/she/it has jumped
  • we have jumped
  • you have jumped
  • they have jumped

Trapassato prossimo

  • io ero saltato
  • tu eri saltato
  • lui/lei/Lei era saltato
  • noi eravamo saltati
  • voi/Voi eravate saltati
  • loro/Loro erano saltati

Past perfect

  • I had jumped
  • you had jumped
  • he/she/it had jumped
  • we had jumped
  • you had jumped
  • they had jumped

Futuro semplice

  • io salterò
  • tu salterai
  • lui/lei/Lei salterà
  • noi salteremo
  • voi/Voi salterete
  • loro/Loro salteranno


  • I will jump
  • you will jump
  • he/she/it will jump
  • we will jump
  • you will jump
  • they will jump

Futuro anteriore

  • io sarò saltato
  • tu sarai saltato
  • lui/lei/Lei sarà saltato
  • noi saremo saltati
  • voi/Voi sarete saltati
  • loro/Loro saranno saltati

Future perfect

  • I will have jumped
  • you will have jumped
  • he/she/it will have jumped
  • we will have jumped
  • you will have jumped
  • they will have jumped

Condizionale presente

  • io salterei
  • tu salteresti
  • lui/lei/Lei salterebbe
  • noi salteremmo
  • voi/Voi saltereste
  • loro/Loro salterebbero

Conditional present

  • I would jump
  • you would jump
  • he/she/it would jump
  • we would jump
  • you would jump
  • they would jump

Condizionale passato

  • io sarei saltato
  • tu saresti saltato
  • lui/lei/Lei sarebbe saltato
  • noi saremmo saltati
  • voi/Voi sareste saltati
  • loro/Loro sarebbero saltati

Conditional perfect

  • I would have jumped
  • you would have jumped
  • he/she/it would have jumped
  • we would have jumped
  • you would have jumped
  • they would have jumped

Congiuntivo presente

  • io salti
  • tu salti
  • lui/lei/Lei salti
  • noi saltiamo
  • voi/Voi saltiate
  • loro/Loro saltino

Present subjunctive

  • I jump
  • you jump
  • he/she/it jump
  • we jump
  • you jump
  • they jump

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io saltassi
  • tu saltassi
  • lui/lei/Lei saltasse
  • noi saltassimo
  • voi/Voi saltaste
  • loro/Loro saltassero

Past subjunctive

  • I jumped
  • you jumped
  • he/she/it jumped
  • we jumped
  • you jumped
  • they jumped

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io fossi saltato
  • tu fossi saltato
  • lui/lei/Lei fosse saltato
  • noi fossimo saltati
  • voi/Voi foste saltati
  • loro/Loro fossero saltati

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had jumped
  • you had jumped
  • he/she/it had jumped
  • we had jumped
  • you had jumped
  • they had jumped


  • tu salta
  • noi saltiamo
  • voi/Voi saltate


  • you jump
  • we Let´s jump
  • you jump