Vervoeging van act
Onbepaalde wijs (infinitief): to act
- I act
- you act
- he/she/it acts
- we act
- you act
- they act
Indicativo presente
- yo obro
- tú obras
- él/ella obra
- nosotros obramos
- vosotros obráis
- ellos/ellas obran
Simple past
- I acted
- you acted
- he/she/it acted
- we acted
- you acted
- they acted
- yo obré
- tú obraste
- él/ella obró
- nosotros obramos
- vosotros obrasteis
- ellos/ellas obraron
Past continuous
- I was acting
- you were acting
- he/she/it was acting
- we were acting
- you were acting
- they were acting
- yo obraba
- tú obrabas
- él/ella obraba
- nosotros obrábamos
- vosotros obrabais
- ellos/ellas obraban
Present perfect
- I have acted
- you have acted
- he/she/it has acted
- we have acted
- you have acted
- they have acted
Pretérito perfecto compuesto
- yo he obrado
- tú has obrado
- él/ella ha obrado
- nosotros hemos obrado
- vosotros habéis obrado
- ellos/ellas han obrado
Past perfect
- I had acted
- you had acted
- he/she/it had acted
- we had acted
- you had acted
- they had acted
- yo había obrado
- tú habías obrado
- él/ella había obrado
- nosotros habíamos obrado
- vosotros habíais obrado
- ellos/ellas habían obrado
- I will act
- you will act
- he/she/it will act
- we will act
- you will act
- they will act
Futuro I
- yo obraré
- tú obrarás
- él/ella obrará
- nosotros obraremos
- vosotros obraréis
- ellos/ellas obrarán
Future perfect
- I will have acted
- you will have acted
- he/she/it will have acted
- we will have acted
- you will have acted
- they will have acted
Futuro perfecto
- yo habré obrado
- tú habrás obrado
- él/ella habrá obrado
- nosotros habremos obrado
- vosotros habréis obrado
- ellos/ellas habrán obrado
Conditional present
- I would act
- you would act
- he/she/it would act
- we would act
- you would act
- they would act
- yo obraría
- tú obrarías
- él/ella obraría
- nosotros obraríamos
- vosotros obraríais
- ellos/ellas obrarían
Conditional perfect
- I would have acted
- you would have acted
- he/she/it would have acted
- we would have acted
- you would have acted
- they would have acted
Condicional perfecto
- yo habría obrado
- tú habrías obrado
- él/ella habría obrado
- nosotros habríamos obrado
- vosotros habríais obrado
- ellos/ellas habrían obrado
Present subjunctive
- I act
- you act
- he/she/it act
- we act
- you act
- they act
- yo obre
- tú obres
- él/ella obre
- nosotros obremos
- vosotros obréis
- ellos/ellas obren
Past subjunctive
- I acted
- you acted
- he/she/it acted
- we acted
- you acted
- they acted
Imperfecto del subjuntivo
- yo obrara
- tú obraras
- él/ella obrara
- nosotros obráramos
- vosotros obrarais
- ellos/ellas obraran
Past perfect subjunctive
- I had acted
- you had acted
- he/she/it had acted
- we had acted
- you had acted
- they had acted
Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo
- yo hubiera obrado
- tú hubieras obrado
- él/ella hubiera obrado
- nosotros hubiéramos obrado
- vosotros hubierais obrado
- ellos/ellas hubieran obrado
- you act
- we Let´s act
- you act
Imperativo presente
- tú obra
- nosotros obremos
- vosotros obrad