Vervoeging van eat
Onbepaalde wijs (infinitief): to eat
- I eat
- you eat
- he/she/it eats
- we eat
- you eat
- they eat
- io mangio
- tu mangi
- lui/lei/Lei mangia
- noi mangiamo
- voi/Voi mangiate
- loro/Loro mangiano
Simple past
- I ate
- you ate
- he/she/it ate
- we ate
- you ate
- they ate
- io mangiavo
- tu mangiavi
- lui/lei/Lei mangiava
- noi mangiavamo
- voi/Voi mangiavate
- loro/Loro mangiavano
Present perfect
- I have eaten
- you have eaten
- he/she/it has eaten
- we have eaten
- you have eaten
- they have eaten
Passato prossimo
- io ho mangiato
- tu hai mangiato
- lui/lei/Lei ha mangiato
- noi abbiamo mangiato
- voi/Voi avete mangiato
- loro/Loro hanno mangiato
Past perfect
- I had eaten
- you had eaten
- he/she/it had eaten
- we had eaten
- you had eaten
- they had eaten
Trapassato prossimo
- io avevo mangiato
- tu avevi mangiato
- lui/lei/Lei aveva mangiato
- noi avevamo mangiato
- voi/Voi avevate mangiato
- loro/Loro avevano mangiato
- I will eat
- you will eat
- he/she/it will eat
- we will eat
- you will eat
- they will eat
Futuro semplice
- io mangerò
- tu mangerai
- lui/lei/Lei mangerà
- noi mangeremo
- voi/Voi mangerete
- loro/Loro mangeranno
Future perfect
- I will have eaten
- you will have eaten
- he/she/it will have eaten
- we will have eaten
- you will have eaten
- they will have eaten
Futuro anteriore
- io avrò mangiato
- tu avrai mangiato
- lui/lei/Lei avrà mangiato
- noi avremo mangiato
- voi/Voi avrete mangiato
- loro/Loro avranno mangiato
Conditional present
- I would eat
- you would eat
- he/she/it would eat
- we would eat
- you would eat
- they would eat
Condizionale presente
- io mangerei
- tu mangeresti
- lui/lei/Lei mangerebbe
- noi mangeremmo
- voi/Voi mangereste
- loro/Loro mangerebbero
Conditional perfect
- I would have eaten
- you would have eaten
- he/she/it would have eaten
- we would have eaten
- you would have eaten
- they would have eaten
Condizionale passato
- io avrei mangiato
- tu avresti mangiato
- lui/lei/Lei avrebbe mangiato
- noi avremmo mangiato
- voi/Voi avreste mangiato
- loro/Loro avrebbero mangiato
Present subjunctive
- I eat
- you eat
- he/she/it eat
- we eat
- you eat
- they eat
Congiuntivo presente
- io mangi
- tu mangi
- lui/lei/Lei mangi
- noi mangiamo
- voi/Voi mangiate
- loro/Loro mangino
Past subjunctive
- I ate
- you ate
- he/she/it ate
- we ate
- you ate
- they ate
Congiuntivo imperfetto
- io mangiassi
- tu mangiassi
- lui/lei/Lei mangiasse
- noi mangiassimo
- voi/Voi mangiaste
- loro/Loro mangiassero
Past perfect subjunctive
- I had eaten
- you had eaten
- he/she/it had eaten
- we had eaten
- you had eaten
- they had eaten
Congiuntivo trapassato
- io avessi mangiato
- tu avessi mangiato
- lui/lei/Lei avesse mangiato
- noi avessimo mangiato
- voi/Voi aveste mangiato
- loro/Loro avessero mangiato
- you eat
- we Let´s eat
- you eat
- tu mangia
- noi mangiamo
- voi/Voi mangiate